Posts tagged ‘civil rights’

March 23, 2011

Thoughts for Thursday #18: Change the World

Quotes That Strike My Fancy!

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” ~~Margaret Mead

This makes me think of The Butterfly Effect, a metaphor for change in systems…a butterfly’s wings could create a change in the atmosphere that could alter the course of a tornado…a small change in the system causes a large change in events.

And just think about what’s happened with Facebook!!

January 20, 2011

Thoughts for Thursday #11: Martin Luther King

Quotes That Strike My Fancy!

‎”Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”  ~~Martin Luther King Jr.

December 2, 2010

Writing From Kids #1: What a Fantastic Poem!

Poems, Essays, Jokes, Book Reviews, Short Stories…there’s a world of creativity out there in our kids!

I just had to create this category after reading this stunning poem .

Dechere’s teacher explained that it was a poetry assignment. The class  was discussing couplet poems and symbolism and for homework,  each student chose a symbol  from the magic hat, a symbol for them to write about. Her symbol was of a black man and a white man shaking hands. They were to interpret the symbol however they wished and write a 10 couplet poem. The beautiful poem that Dechere wrote is what came out.

Symbolic Poem

Dechere Grant, Grade 8

Century Community Charter School, Inglewood, CA.

When the first slave ships landed on American shores,
Black people were treated like they walked on all fours.

With the crack of the whip they were forced into slavery,
Until people like Tubman stood up with bravery.

Even some whites like Lincoln and Brown,
Wouldn’t let slave owners keep blacks down.

In 1864 blacks were suppose to be free,
But they still had to deal with inequality.

The south was a dangerous place for a black man,
Who always had to deal with the Ku Klux Klan.

Until a man came along named Martin Luther King,
Who decided that the whites should do the right thing.

They did the right thing and passed civil rights,
Now everyone can shake hands whether you’re black or white.